Sleeping with Pets
Though dog and cat owners typically spend a lot of their waking hours with their pets and picking up pet toys, that apparently isn't enough, as many Americans say that they shar...
Though dog and cat owners typically spend a lot of their waking hours with their pets and picking up pet toys, that apparently isn't enough, as many Americans say that they shar...
Nationally, only 1 cat is seen by a veterinarian for every 5 dogs, even though there are several million more pet cats in the U.S. than dogs.
As you're learning how to housetrain a kitten, you know that location is key.
The idea that any part of bathing a cat is "easy" might strike you as funny.
There are many cats up for adoption all over the country, so if you are looking to adopt a cat, you may be wondering what age he or she should be.
When was the last time you could honestly say that you had a grip on your cat's body language?
While some might see summer as a prime opportunity to get outside and play with their pets, fall can be just as fun for animals.
The old myth that dogs and cats can't get along has hung around for generations, but most pet parents will tell you that both animals have a chance to become fast friends if the...
Before you make the decision to adopt a cat, one of the major stumbling blocks you may face is figuring out whether you're in an ideal financial situation to become a pet owner.