Bonded Pairs: Adopting Two Cats at Once
Cats in bonded pairs are often happier, healthier and more well-behaved than a single cat that rules the roost. Here’s why you might want to consider getting two cats instead of one.

Bonded relationships can run so deep that they can greatly affect one or both cats’ well-being.
Bonded pairs are common in nearly all animals, and cats are no exception. In fact, you’ll often find that there are more bonded pairs of cats in homes, animal shelters, and rescues than any other kind of pet.
If you’re thinking of adopting a cat or kitten, your perfect match could come with a forever friend. Before you say no to having more than one feline in your household, consider some benefits of adopting two cats at once.
What is a Bonded Pair?
A bonded pair of cats have spent most, if not all, of their lives together, either being raised as kitten siblings or long-time companions. As a result, the relationship between a bonded pair usually runs deep.
Bonded relationships can run so deep that they can greatly affect one or both cats’ well-being if the pair is broken up. This is why shelters and rescues work extra hard to keep the pair together, knowing that separating them could cause problems with eating, behavior, and overall health.
Reasons for Bonded Pairs & Getting a Second Cat
What makes bonded cat pairs so special? Double the snuggles and fun, of course. But there are more reasons why you might consider adopting two cats instead of one.
Pairs are Happier
Despite their independent natures, cats are social creatures that need companionship to thrive. Left alone, a cat can develop behavioral problems, and in some cases, even show signs of depression.
Adopting two cats that are bonded, on the other hand, are more likely to be better adjusted. Much of this comes from how the two interact and share day-to-day activities, like eating and playing together, and finding comfort in each other.
Pairs are Healthier
Just as with humans, anxiety can cause all sorts of health problems in cats, including hair loss and heart problems. What’s more, a cat with anxiety can develop stress eating, which only makes health problems worse.
Cats that come in pairs tend to be healthier and live longer than single cats because they often get more exercise, which keeps their hearts healthy and reduces their stress. Additionally, exercise lessens the risk of having an overweight pet, and can add years to their life.

Despite their independent natures, cats are social creatures that need companionship to thrive.
Pairs Learn from Each Other
No matter what their age, cats learn valuable life and social skills from their mother, siblings, and other cats. However, these lessons may not stick in a cat that’s left alone, which could lead to behavioral problems.
Bonded cats continue this education with their built-in companion and playmate. Through hunting, socializing, playing, and observation, bonded cats continually learn from each other how to behave at their best, and the consequences of their actions.
Pairs Stay Entertained
Work and social obligations can make it difficult to keep one cat entertained. And when boredom strikes, a cat can become agitated and destructive.
A two-cat household offers plenty of opportunities for cats to stay entertained by providing a good amount of social interaction and mental stimulation. Whether they’re wrestling, snuggling, or exploring their surroundings, bonded cats are happier and less bored than their single-cat counterparts.
Pairs Make Happier Pet Owners
While food and vet visits can double with two cats, so can the benefits of having a bonded pair.
By sharing cat toys, litter boxes, lounge areas, and beds, having a bonded pair costs roughly the same as having a single cat. Plus, since one cat will need a regular feeding and litter box cleaning schedule, adding one more won’t feel like twice the work.
Because two cats tend to live happier and healthier, there’s less chance of bad or destructive behavior, which means less damage to furniture and belongings, and happier pet owners. But the best reason of all for adopting two cats at once, and specifically if they are bonded, is double the affection.