How to Choose a New Cat or Kitten
In the US, we have 69 million pet cats. Is there a perfect cat out there for you?
Explore our archives for tips and advice for every aspect of your cat’s care throughout all life stages.
In the US, we have 69 million pet cats. Is there a perfect cat out there for you?
The American Humane Association estimates that four million cats and kittens end up in the shelters every year.
Bringing home a new cat can be both exciting and stressful - some preparation can smooth the transition.
Pet appreciation week is a time to celebrate how much our pets mean to us.
Dandruff in pets causes itching, which can cause infection. Help avoid this, with shampoos, conditioners and other techniques.
If you or your partner suffers from cat or dog allergies, it can make owning one very difficult.
Catnip is a plant that has a hypnotizing effect on the feline family, but how exactly does it work?
If you are a new cat owner, or if you are struggling with destructive or bothersome behavior from your indoor cat, you may be asking yourself, “Should I let my cat outside?”
If you think that dog owners have all the fun when it comes to enjoying the great outdoors in the company of their pets, think again!
We can certainly understand the thrill of seeing a little girl's eyes light up as she sees her brand new kitten curled up in her eager arms.