The Environmental Protection Agency’s Evaluation of Pet Spot-On Products

Answers to common questions regarding EPA’s pet spot-on product evaluation and recommendations.

Why did the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) initiate an evaluation of pet spot-on products?

The EPA believes in providing information that will help pet owners use pet pesticide products safely. By using pesticide products correctly, including determining whether or not they are needed, pet owners can help protect their pets. The safety and well-being of pets is paramount to Hartz and we fully support the EPA’s mission of improving pesticide product labeling.

Where can I find more information about the EPA’s evaluation of pet spot-on products?

More information regarding the EPA evaluation can be found at the EPA’s website -

What recommendations did the EPA make upon completion of their evaluation?

The EPA made recommendations across four key areas to help prevent and reduce reported incidents: dosing, labeling, inert ingredients, and registration process. In all of these areas Hartz was either already in compliance with EPA recommendations or has fully endorsed any additional changes to the registration process. For more information on the EPA Evaluation, please visit -

Why does the EPA regulate pet spot-on products?

Products designed to kill fleas and ticks by treating the skin with a pesticide that does not cross the skin barrier are regulated and registered by EPA.

How are Adverse Effects reported?

Manufacturers of flea and tick spot-on products are obligated to report any incidents of Adverse Effects made by consumers to EPA. This Adverse Effect information is
collected and made public by EPA through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

What are some of the major causes of Adverse Effects?

Many Adverse Effects are caused by product misuse and can be eliminated by reading product labels and following the instructions for use carefully. In addition, the EPA has a web page dedicated to the safe use of flea and tick spot-on products -

Where can I find the number of reported Adverse Effects by spot-on manufacturer or EPA registration number?

Information regarding the number of reported Adverse Effects by manufacturer or EPA registration number is publicly available and can be obtained by visiting the the EPA website and completing a Freedom of Information Act request. -

How does the number of reported Adverse Effects reported by Hartz compare to other manufacturers of flea and tick spot-on products?

In 2011, we commissioned an independent audit of the Adverse Effects reported to the EPA for the period from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010. The results showed that Hartz has among the lowest reported rates of Adverse Effects to our flea and tick spot-on products among manufacturers of flea and tick products. A comparison of reported Adverse Effects can be found at: Adverse Effects Analysis.

Where can I go to learn more about protecting my pet against fleas and ticks?

Hartz has created a Facebook page dedicated to flea and tick education containing resources such as how-to videos, FAQ’s for dogs and cats, product usage and safety information as well as links to important EPA information -

Is there any information available that highlights differences in Active Ingredients among the various flea and tick spot-on manufacturers as well as what protection the products offer?

Yes. Hartz has developed a canine and feline comparison chart of commonly used EPA-Registered spot-on flea and tick control products. These comparison charts can be found on the following website -